Yorta Yorta
Yorta Yorta Idiom or Phrase?
The Yorta Yorta Dictionary App
This resource has been developed by Sharon Atkinson and WCC Language Program. All information will remain the property of the Yorta Yorta people.
Explore and learn the language and culture of the Yorta Yorta people anywhere in the world, for free! Browse the dictionary by letter, categories and common phrases. Search in Yorta Yorta and English.

Nyuwandan Bawu Ina Yorta Yorta Poster
Nyuwandan Bawu Ina Yorta Yorta (Our body in Yorta Yorta) was designed and produced by Roxanne Atkinson and WCC Language Program.
Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages and Arts program.
PDF copies of the resource, a worksheet and language examples from the poster are available for free below.

Po-Bonk Creates a Flood
Sharon Atkinson, Lyn Loger, Philippa Schapper