ALT Partnership
Aboriginal Languages Trust Parternship
WCC Strengthening Language and Culture: A partnership for the Future.
WCC Language Program (WCC LP) is excited to showcase our ongoing partnership with The Aboriginal Languages Trust through the Aboriginal Languages Partnership Funding Program and the Local Language Insights Project. This collaboration is a significant step forward in our mission to preserve, promote, and revitalise Aboriginal Languages across New South Wales (NSW). Allowing WCC LP to expand it’s current activities, community outreach/capacity and provide employment opportunities in the language space for the Wiradjuri Condobolin community.
Aboriginal Languages Partnership Funding Program Objectives
1 . Promotion of Aboriginal Languages activities.
2. Development of resources to support Aboriginal Languages activities.
3. Promotes and/or provides education and employment opportunities in Aboriginal Languages activities.
4. Strengthen Community capacity to lead and support Aboriginal Language growth and nurturing
5. Support Aboriginal Communities to practice and uphold their Custodianship over Aboriginal Language revitalisation
Local Language Insights Project Objectives
1. To create greater understanding of the aspirations and achievements of Aboriginal Language
Communities in NSW through the establishment of Languages baseline data.
2. Develop a set of measurable baseline indicators, reflecting the aspirations of the Aboriginal Language Communities involved in this pilot, that can be used by Language Communities and the Aboriginal Languages Trust to track Language changes and growth for the long term.
3. To ensure the Data Sovereignty and Cultural and Intellectual Property rights of Aboriginal Communities, by establishing a system where Communities maintain ownership of their data, and that data becomes an economic advantage for each Community.
4. To increase data capability in Communities through ALT-funded employment and learning opportunities, including peer-to-peer learning (fostering collegiality and sharing between Communities) and consistency with Language measurement approaches.
5. To build the Language data workforce, ensuring there is a supply of skilled people to gather and curate data which contributes to the restoration and reclamation of Languages.
To influence governments and their approaches to engaging with First Nations people and data, role modelling practices which ensure self-determination and sovereignty and contribute to de-colonisation and healing.